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Children's skin is different from that of adults. A child's unique developmental needs and other considerations must be taken into account during diagnosis and treatment.​ 


We provide compassionate, family-centered care for children 8 years old and above, in a relaxed, child-friendly environment. ​


Our program enables age-appropriate management of common and rare disorders affecting the skin, hair, and nails. ​We educate children and their families about skin disease and proper skincare with the goal of maintaining healthy skin throughout their lives.

Commonly Treated Conditions


Image of girl with acne looking concerned in the mirror

By far the most common skin condition in the country, acne affects about 50 million American adults and children every year. Acne causes blocked pores, whiteheads, blackheads, inflammation, pimples, cysts, and other lesions on the skin of the face, neck, chest, back, shoulders, and upper arms. It can cause significant psychological damage in the form of poor self-image, depression, and anxiety, particularly among adolescents.

We provide an in-depth consultation taking into account the child's age, lifestyle, genetics, and other factors, then decide on a course of treatment together with you. If necessary, we perform check-ins to monitor progress and adjust treatment as appropriate. We also offer restorative microneedling cosmetic services to reduce or remove scarring caused by untreated or improperly treated acne.


Image of a boy with birthmark near chest

Birthmarks are colored marks on the skin that are present at birth or soon thereafter. Most birthmarks are benign and disappear without treatment, but some may need to be treated. Birthmarks can be of different types - including congenital nevi (moles), salmon-red or pink patches (stork marks), red cherry lumps (hemangiomas), dark purple or red marks (port wine stains), flat light or dark brown patches (cafe-au-lait spots). 

Birthmarks need to be examined and monitored for changes in appearance such as shape or size, changes in soreness or lumps, or increases in number. Birthmarks closer to the eye, nose, or mouth should be paid special attention. If you are worried about a birthmark on your child, consult our dermatologist and have them examined.


Image of keratosis pilaris on the hand

One of the most common skin conditions, keratosis pilaris (KP) presents in the form of dry skin covered with rough bumps. Sometimes called as "chicken skin", KP can cause embarrassment and self-esteem issues due to its obvious appearance. 

A skin disorder with genetic origins, KP is not contagious. It is very common among children and teenagers. It is estimated up to half of all children have KP in some form.  It can occur within adults as well.

A trained and experienced dermatologist can diagnose your child's KP and help get rid of the unwanted appearance through various treatments.


Image of a girl with moles on her back

A melanocytic nevus or mole is a common benign skin lesion due to a local proliferation of skin cells that produce the pigment melanin (melanocytes). Almost everyone is born with a mole or develops one or more moles in their adult life. There are many different types of moles classified based on their shape, size, appearance, depth, origin, and number.

Unfortunately, moles share many characteristics with malignant lesions. What may appear as a harmless mole to the naked, inexperienced eye, could be a skin cancer that may require possible excision (surgery). It is important to get these checked by an expert who can differentiate between the two and recommend appropriate treatment early in its lifecycle.


Image of a child with molluscum contagiosum near chin

Molluscum contagiosum, sometimes known as water warts, is a common childhood viral skin infection that causes localized clusters of small raised spots known as papules on different parts of the body.

Molluscum contagiosum mainly affects infants and young children under the age of 10 years. It is more prevalent in warm climates than in cool ones. It tends to be more numerous and lasts longer in children who also have atopic dermatitis, due to deficiencies in the skin barrier. It can complicate into bacterial or fungal infections due to scratching.  

We treat your child's molluscum after discussing various options including cryotherapy, topical medications or medicated solutions.


Image of person with psoriasis on elbow

Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin condition characterized by clearly defined, red,and scaly plaques.  Psoriasis affects 2-4% of all males and females. It can start at any age including childhood, with symptoms peaking between 15-25 and 50-60 years. Psoriasis tends to last a lifetime in most individuals, with flareups varying in extent and severity. It can affect people from any skin type but tends to be particularly common among Caucasians.  About one-third of patients with psoriasis have family members who also have psoriasis. 

There are several different forms of psoriasis and some resemble eczema. It is important to get diagnosed correctly by your dermatologist and follow the recommended management protocol.


Image of a boy with rash on neck

Eczema or dermatitis, commonly known as a skin rash, is a generic term for a group of medical conditions that cause the skin to become inflamed, irritated, and/or itchy with patches of dry, red, severely blistered or cracked skin that may have scales or crust. Rashes are extremely common among infants in their first year as well as young children and teenagers. 

Some rashes could be allergic in nature while others could be genetic or autoimmune disorders.

Eczema can cause severe physical discomfort and can evolve into complicated skin infections if not treated properly. We diagnose the specific type of rash your child based on symptoms and your history and determine the appropriate treatment routine.


Image of a girl with rosacea on cheek

Rosacea is a chronic rash on the face that is often observed in adults between 30 and 60 years, but is found in children and adolescents as well. It is common in those with fair skin. It may be transient, recurrent or persistent and is characterized by its color, red.

Rosacea could be caused by genetic, environmental, vascular and inflammatory factors. Skin damage due to chronic exposure to ultraviolet radiation has a part.  

We conduct a thorough examination to accurately diagnose your child's rosacea and treat it using appropriate topical and/or oral medications suitable for your child. 


Image of two people shaking hands, one with vitiligo

Vitiligo is an acquired depigmenting disorder of the skin, in which skin cells that produce the pigment melanin (melanocytes) are lost. Vitiligo is characterized by well-defined milky-white patches of skin (also known as leukoderma). 

Vitiligo can be psychologically very damaging particularly in people with dark skin since the contrast is more prominent. It affects about 0.5% of the population and occurs more commonly among people from South East Asia. There are different forms of vitiligo presenting in different shapes, sizes, and severity on various parts of the body. 

A consultation with a dermatologist can help diagnose and explore treatment options.


Image of a hand with multiple warts

A wart is a common, non-cancerous growth caused due to infection by the human papillomavirus (HPV). Warts are contagious and can spread to other parts of the body and to other individuals in close proximity, if left untreated. They can cause physical pain as well as mental distress due to potential disfigurement.

Warts are common in children, particularly those with impacted immune systems, or with dermatitis

Treatment involves removing the layer of skin containing the virus. After an examination and understanding the patient's history and preferences, we offer cryotheraphy, topical medication, or other treatment options.


Schedule your same-day appointment and get your child back to being happy and healthy!

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