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What is a Dermatologist?


At Bluebonnet Dermatology, our mission is to provide the highest quality medical and cosmetic dermatology services. We strive to make ourselves available to ALL our patients. This includes NEVER double-booking appointments, so every patient gets the complete attention of our board-certified dermatologist. That is why it is very important that you keep your scheduled appointment with us and arrive on time.


Your appointment time is booked for you and ONLY you.


As a courtesy, and to help patients remember their scheduled appointments, we send a series of voice messages, text messages, and email reminders days in advance of your appointment. We also remind you to keep your appointment when you schedule it with us.


When a patient cancels or reschedules their appointment at short notice, it disrupts care in two ways - 


  1. It prevents other patients who needed care (but had to be turned away) from being seen on that day.

  2. It disturbs our carefully managed schedule that maximizes the time each patient gets with our physician. 


If you are unable to keep an appointment and need to cancel or reschedule it, please be kind to our other patients and call our office AT LEAST 24 HOURS BEFORE YOUR APPOINTMENT. If we are busy helping other patients when you call or if we are closed, feel free to leave us a voicemail. Your appointment time will be reallocated to someone who is in urgent need of treatment. Available appointments are in high demand and your early cancellation will give another person the possibility to have access to timely care.


Effective September 2020, we have implemented a no-show/cancellation policy which allows us to better utilize available appointments for our patients in need of care. The nominal fee outlined below is intended to dissuade patients from canceling or rescheduling appointments at short notice. This policy is also described in our financial & office policies document which all patients consent to before receiving services.


  • Patients who fail to show for their scheduled MEDICAL appointment, request a cancellation or reschedule within 24 hours of their appointment time, shall be charged a fee of $30.00.


  • Patients who fail to show for their scheduled COSMETIC appointment, request a cancellation or reschedule within 24 hours of their appointment time, shall be charged a fee of $150.00.


  • Patients who fail to show for their scheduled SURGERY appointment, request a cancellation or reschedule within 24 hours of their appointment time, shall be charged a fee of $150.00.


These fees are not covered by insurance companies and are therefore the sole responsibility of the patient.



We thank you for your kindness and understanding towards our other patients and us.

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