A two-step therapy with a single focus on restoring your health, beautiful skin
Electrodessication and Curettage may sound like curious terms, but they are actually known by many names – from electrosurgery to thermocautery. All of these terms generally refer to the same process of removing damaged or blemished skin cells with the controlled application of heat. We stand by the reliability and safety of this process when it is performed by our highly skilled and qualified Board-certified medical dermatologist at Bluebonnet Dermatology in McKinney, Texas: Dr. Huayi Zhang.
How does ED&C work ?
The “curettage” part involves using a special instrument or curette to abrade skin cells at the surface level. The electrodessication part refers to the application of energy to heat the growth or lesion in a highly targeted manner. In doing so, damaged cells are destroyed, and benign lesions may be removed.
What specific conditions are best treated this way ?
We generally refer to “surface-level” lesions in the context of ED&C. These growths may include seborrheic keratoses (or “senile warts”) and skin tags. The reason this treatment is best for these conditions is because the scraped-off skin is typically softer than the surrounding tissue. Skin cancers are largely not indicated for this treatment because cancerous cells may be at greater depths in the skin than what the curette can penetrate and scrape away effectively.
What can I expect from treatment ?
Treatments are performed by Dr. Zhang herself. So you have peace of mind that the process will be held to the highest quality and safety standards. Also, for utmost comfort, a numbing topical is applied to the treatment site. Once the area is fully numbed, the curette is applied to lift the damaged tissues. After this step is completed, Dr. Zhang uses a special piece of equipment called an electrocautery machine to heat up the treatment site. The heat causes the blood vessels to coagulate and eventually cauterize with repeated applications as needed.
How does treatment feel ?
You shouldn’t feel anything as your skin is prepared with a numbing topical prior to the application of the curette and heat. It is a no-downtime procedure as well. Patients do not have to arrange transportation to and from our office and can get back to their busy schedules immediately afterward. To support predictable and fast healing, be sure to practice good skin care and hygiene. The skin at the treatment site typically heals in a few days.
How do I find out more ?
The best way is to schedule a consultation at the office of Bluebonnet Dermatology. During your consultation, Dr. Zhang will take a close look at your skin concerns to better understand what they are and what may be responsible for your strange or growing lesion. From there, she may recommend ED&C or a range of other surgical and nonsurgical therapies available at our office in McKinney, TX. Call (469) 663-8838 to reach a member of our team today.